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1st semester holidays ...

lets think and think and also think

As salam everyone... welcome back to blogger especially my page... :) It's been so long i didnt manage my blogger for almost 2 weeks or moree..i sat for my 1st semester exams and I think I didnt do all out.. :(mm... It's ok... let the past passed .... :) Alhamdulillah I completely finished all papers and we georgians celebrated Teacher's day for the next day, Thursday... :)

you're the best teachers

The celebration is quite fun and amazing! but there was a bad part which some of us couldnt watch coz there's no more space left for us to sit. It's alright..sacrifice for teachers... :) and I would like to say Happy Teacher's all teachers :) Friday... was the last day of school... nothing to with , just played and wasting time talking rubbish but useful for oral test .... coming soon.... ehehe :D

Yesterday, I went to Jusco with my bro and sis, also my cousin... we watched movie and shopped ... I saw my old friends, and they recognized me... :) I'm so glad that they still remember me.... but I saw a girl who is my school mate, and she ignored me.... It's alright...I never blamed you my friend... just a bit disappointed with you...

nice isnt it?

School holidays.... mmm , doesnt mean anything to me as nothing changes.. :( everybody busy with their own lives .. mm... its alright... i understand :) by the way... mr. coffee is still not over here... :( Its been almost 5 months he went off without no news... mm... sometimes of course sad... but try to understand the actual situation :) trust yourselves ... everything's gonna be alright... :) thanks to all my sisters and brothers who encouraged me :) you're my sunshines :) Thanks :)


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